Lost Your Letters?

Hi there.

Do no worry. Over the years we have seen many people disregard, throw away, or lose their annual letter and supporting documentation. It happens. We are all so bombarded that it is hard sometimes to tell what is important and what is trash.

So let me help you.

Below is a link to the two documents we need you to send in to book your appointment.

  • The first is a Scope of Appointment. This is a CMS required document. In this document there are 5 boxes you may initial to list the topics we might discuss. I tell clients to just initial them all so we can talk about ALL your options need be. So, in the Scope of Appointment, you simply initial those places and then sign and date below.
  • The second document is a consent form. In this document you are giving me consent to contact you via phone, text, email, etc. This is what I need to be able to contact you. This form lasts for 1 year.


Simply click the link, download the forms, print them, sign them, and then mail them back to me to;

Cool Insurance Group
c/o Michael Todd Oldfield
2808 Palumbo Drive
Suite 204
Lexington, KY  40509


Once we receive them back, Regina will call you and schedule your appointment. Here are the documents;

Click here 


Medicaid / ACA / Kynect Update for 6/14/2023

Dear Friends; 

Hey there. I felt a need to get this out to a few hundred people who I have helped in the past with Medicaid or exchange plans on Kynect.com. It is going out by both email and text message in some cases.

Yes, I am sure some of you probably no longer have plans on the exchange. If that is your case, i apologize and please disregard this intrusion. I am just trying to help of course.

There is so much turmoil in the marketplace right now with the ending of Medicaid expansion. I estimate 10’s of 1,000’s of Medicaid beneficiaries in KENTUCKY are affected. We have to be patient right now.

If you think you are about to lose your Medicaid, please contact me ASAP so we can schedule time to speak (or simply go HERE! to schedule your own appointment)

Below are six items I need EVERYONE to do to keep us all squared up as we move forward.

ITEM 1 – SAVE MY CONTACT INFORMATION in your phone. From your phone simply go to http://www.popltodd.com and click the green “SAVE CONTACT” button. That will save me to your phone and you will know it is me when I call you. Please share your contact information then as well so I can save you back and will know when you call me. This will be crucial during this fall’s annual enrollment.

ITEM 2 – PAY YOUR FIRST MONTH PREMIUM. I am happy to help. If you will call me, we can probably do this over the phone.

ITEM 3 – COMPLETE ANY REQUIRED REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (“RFIs”). In many cases the state requires one of two proofs. A “Proof of Loss of Credible Coverage” or a “Proof of Income”. It is very very important that you get these in immediately if requested. Do no do this the night before the deadline. This will severely impact your case potentially.

ITEM 4 -SET UP YOUR INSURANCE PORTAL LOGIN. Ambetter and Caresource both have account portals for you. You usually can create an account there with just your membership ID number and your contact information. Simply go to;

ITEM 5 – PICK YOUR PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. While in your membership portal for sure you are able to “Find a Provider” or “Find a Doctor” and select them as your PCP. Call me if you need help.

ITEM 6 – GYM, DENTAL, VISION BENEFITS. With your membership card, call your insurer to inquire about your fitness benefits. Very cool. Also make sure you do everything in-network. So, see me if you need me to help you find vision or dental providers. I am happy to help.


That’s it. Drop by https://toddoldfield.com/testimonials/ (Above) to read the 100+ testimonials about the work I do and if I helped you, please leave me your own testimonial.



Update on Medicaid Expansion Coming to an End!

To ALL Clients (“Medicaid, Kynect Exchange, Medicare”)


Sorry, this is going out by text and email. I really need to get the word out.

Click the video below to have a “TOD Talk” on the subject of the end of the Medicaid Expansion.

Yep! The free ride is over. For the past three years anyone could get Medicaid. But that time is coming to an end. Here is what this all means to most of you….

You should take the following steps.

First, if you have never done it, you need to add my contact information in your phone. It’s very easy. From your phone click www.popltodd.com and click “SAVE CONTACT“. This way when I call, you will know it is me for real. You will even see my picture.

Second, schedule your own appointment with me at a time that is convenient for you by going to https://calendly.com/michaeltoddoldfield/kynect and picking a day an time. Currently the state is sending me like 20-30 hours a week of new cases to help, so do this now. My calendar is going to be very clogged up this summer. Some cases are taking a week to clean up. Yuck. You should know me by now. Well enough to know that if there is money to be saved, I will find it for you.

If you currently have Medicaid, inquire (or watch for a notice) about when your next review date is. At that time you will either be able to keep Medicaid or you will not. If you are under 65 and have no Medicare, it may be that you will qualify for an exchange plan with maximum assistance. This is excellent.

If you have Medicare, AND, Medicaid (or a Medicare Savings Plan) you and find that you are about to lose your Medicaid ACT FAST. It’s ok. We do have to make a change in your plan. If not you could end up with no plan whatsoever.

Remember, the last three years have been a gift for some of us (Where Medicaid is concerned. Anyone in Kentucky could get it, due to COVID regardless of their income and assets. That is just coming to an end. If you qualify for it then it is there for you. If you do not, then you have to get your records straight. This is where I come in.

Call me ASAP or schedule some time with me well in advance of your review date.


Michael Todd Oldfield


PS – be sure to drop me a testimonial at https://toddoldfield.com/addmine/



Annual Review Appointment Scheduling 2022

Hello All.

It’s time to schedule your annual Medicare / Kynect / ACA review. Remember, this is for YOU; not me. We need to make sure always that you have the best plan for YOUR needs.

You may schedule your appointment 1 of 3 ways.

  • OPTION 2 – You can call Regina and she will schedule your appointment for you (she is out having surgery today (Friday) so she will return calls on Monday. Call her at 859.800.7774 extension 1 (If her voice mail is full, she will call you)
  • OPTION 3 – Wait and Regina will call you when she can.

I advise picking option 1 or 2. We have 350 more appointment slots only, and that many appointments to schedule. Do not wait!!!!

I do not want you to be overlooked.

And please, do not forget to drop by www.popltodd.com and save my contact information. See you soon, God Bless!








Medicare’s Trust Fund Is Set to Run Out in 8 Years. Social Security, 16. – The New York Times

Today’s rant… The demise of Medicare and Social Security. Oh my lord!!!

Source: Medicare’s Trust Fund Is Set to Run Out in 8 Years. Social Security, 16. – The New York Times

Click the link above for the article. This is not good news sadly. For years they have been estimating when Social Security and Medicare would run out of money. It seems like every time they update the estimate, the end date is moved a smidge closer to now… and it happened again.

Now they are saying Social Security will run out in sixteen years or 2034 and Medicare will run out in just another eight years or 2026.

Medicare is a real problem, just when you think about the timing. So they are telling us it will be done, right when the biggest group of baby boomers are probably going to need healthcare services. Right?

Wow. that is just nuts. So, we are going to be a bunch of old farts and no one to take care of us. Which we already knew any ways, being that the average age of a nurse is above 53. They cannot keep working forever. So what do you think when in 20 years, the average age of a nurse will be 60 or more… but the number of patients will be double? Right? Boomers Rule!!!!

However, we will not have money for our healthcare or our groceries by then. Social security will be gone.. healthcare will be in shambles.

And, all this has been known for, well…. like, forever. Politicians did not want to deal with the problem because the solutions are politically unfavorable. Meaning, if they wanted to work on a solution, no matter the solution, they are going to have to piss someone off. Pissed off constituents translate into votes for candidates who don’t do anything, being that no action is better than a wrong action in their minds. So, by trying to do right, a decent politician will end up possibly out of work. They know this. So, they have not done anything.

It’s all just a mess. This is what our government has left us with.

No healthcare soon. No income either.

Good job government.

Rant over.


Kentucky Health News: After fellow Republicans kill his bill, McConnell adopts an idea he had dismissed: repeal Obamacare now, replace it later

In my opinion, Mitch has lost his mind. We do not need to repeal ACA. We need it fixed. ACA has helped me to help a lot of lower income families. Granted it is TERRIBLE for the middle class. This is what needs to be fixed. I would hate to see it taken away from poor families that for the first time were able to afford healthcare insurance.

Source: Kentucky Health News: After fellow Republicans kill his bill, McConnell adopts an idea he had dismissed: repeal Obamacare now, replace it later

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