Step 1 – Add My Contact Record to Your Phone

Popl is my digital business card. It’s very cool. You can get there any of several ways.

  • You can simply go to from your phone, OR,
  • you can click my QR Code to the right.

Once there, click the green button that says

“Save This Contact”. This will add me to your contact directory in your phone, along with all my media a links (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). It does not matter if you do not use them. You will have them if you need them. Most importantly, you will see my face. That way, when Regina or I call, you will know it is me and not a fake.

This is very important. Regina and I have to chase down too many people that do not answer their phones because they think our numbers are scammers or spammers.

Once you have completed this step, you simply go to Step 2, and schedule your appointment.