Kentucky Health News: Visiting chef at Harlan County High helps incorporate fresh, local foods and flavors into menus; 1 of 8 Ky. districts in program

click the Source link to read the article. I love this idea. With everything costing so much, including the costs to feed our children at school during the week, does it not make sense that there could be both a SAVINGS and HEALTHIER DIET that could be achieved if our school systems bought more foods locally from local farmers… and […]

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Petition · : Save Kentucky Healthcare – Tell newly elected Governor Matt Bevin to Maintain Sensible Healthcare Policy ·

Save Kentucky Healthcare , an effort led by former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear, is committed to continuing Kentucky’s dramatic success in expanding health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Despite insuring half a million Kentuckians for the first time, partisan politics threatens to reverse Kentucky’s gains by dismantling the state’s model health exchange. Please support Governor Beshear’s ongoing vision to […]

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