Financial Planning Strategies
We all play the game of life. We come into this world. We accumulate a few things. We pay our way and we leave this world. Hopefully we leave our children a little better off than when they arrived. We do that by earning the most we can, saving the most we can, and protecting our legacy for our heirs the best we can, given the laws in our society.
That is where I come in. I can help you grow your estate and protect it from all the hazards; taxes, market risk, inflation risk, healthcare expense, critical illness, and show you care options and even provide you with guaranteed income streams that you can never out live.
You need a plan for each of these four quadrants.
But, where do we begin? Our goal should be to have a check mark in all four quadrants. We can do this through many of the insurance solutions that exist today.
One place to begin is eliminating all your debt. It does not matter what your savings are earning if you are paying someone else 5-20-20% interest. Right? You will never get ahead. So, a great place to begin is to get rid of all the debt. We can help you do that.
- Complete Debt Elimination – The great thing about implementing this plan is there are so many other quadrants that it supports as well. By doing this one thing; we can provide you with a critical, terminal, and/or home health care plan, as well as a death benefit. One strategy; multiple solutions all at once.
While you are paying down and off your debt, though, it’s a good idea to save all you can for retirement. As you may know, it’s very possible that social security and Medicare both could end in our life times. If that happens, then we are going to be on our own. Do not say no one ever told you to plan for this. I am right now, bucko!
- Living Benefits, Tax FREE Retirement – There are wonderful life insurance plans now that provide you with so much more than a “death benefit”. These plans offer you excellent returns in the markets without the risk of the markets. Just take a moment to imagine such a thing. They also provide you with other living benefits (same as above) such as tax-free retirement income, money for critical illness and/or long term care benefits, thereby providing you with protection in multiple quadrants.
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